Tevey's Struggle In Fiddler On The Roof

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Conflicts are something that all people from the smallest of person to the largest must face from time to time. Even when you might think that someone has never or will never have an issue in their entire life you would be wrong. The movie Fiddler on the roof is told from the point of view of Tevy. He is a poor farmer and a devout jew that has five daughters and three of them are just coming of the age to marry. In the story Fiddler on the roof we get to see Tevey go through life with his struggles the ups and down he has. He is placed on the roller coaster of life, and boy does it have its jerks and turns steep climbs up and speedy plummets to the ground.

Let me start explaining all the struggles that Tevy is going to have to go through in his life right now. His eldest Tzeitel is getting ready to be married the matchmaker Yente has found a match for her, the butcher Lazar Wolf. He is a well off man he is doing much better than how Tevey is doing in his life right about now. The question you must now ask is does Tzeitel want to marry Lazar Wolf. He is well off but he is also old enough to be her father and she also loves another.

The man that she loves is called Motel he is …show more content…

Perchik he is a foreigner in annatefka. Then he meets Tevye and he lets Perchik stay at his house and in exchange he teaches the girls about the Good Book and what is written in it. Perchik is an outspoken person and is fighting against Russia's political system. He is fighting against it trying to get others to join in with him to try and overthrow the Russian government. He also loves Tevye's daughter Hodel and says as soon as he is able he will send for her to marry her. He is now faced with another conflicted will he let her marry him or not. He wants to say no but then look into his daughter's eyes and sees that he can not say no to the amount of hope that is in her

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