Teens Should Have Access To Birth Control Essay

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One and three girls in the United States uses birth control, but some parents think teen girls should not have access to birth control. Three percent of young women (ages fifteen to nineteen) have a child every year, having access would help bring the percentage down even more. Birth and Abortion Rates are very, very high in most states in the United States. In surrounding countries such as Western Europe, Japan, etc.. Teens should have access to birth control because it helps prevent teen pregnancy, helps teen girls with painful periods and mood swings, and helps with the thought of abstinence. Birth control has helped tremendously in the prevention of teen pregnancy. The government of Kazakhstan made it capable for all teen girls to have access to birth control. In the countries of Western Europe, Japan, and Australia came to a conclusion that at least three percent of most girls ages fifteen to nineteen have a child due to unprotected sex. The birth rate has dropped at a minimum of forty percent in the United States because of birth control. Birth control also keeps the abortion rate down drastically sexual education is something most teens should think because the number one reason of teen pregnancy is the fact that we are not ready to have sex. Along with having known about birth control, also know is …show more content…

Abstinence is when teen girls and boys do not have sexual intercourse. In some cases, birth control could make a teen think she is safe to have sex, but in reality, it can also help with the thought of what the outcomes of sex are. Abstinence can keep young girls from being talked into having intercourse or outercourse with a young male. Fertility awareness is brought about by birth control abstinence. Abstinence is the most effect way to prevent teen pregnancy along with birth control. It not only prevents teen pregnancy but also prevents the chance of STD’s spreading

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