Teenagers Get Too Much Screen Time Essay

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Look at this fat kid! Oh my god this fat kid is going to eat me! I can't believe you exist! Imagine these insults happening to tens kids every single day. Teens have been getting to much screen time which can lead up too many health problems and obesity. Online time should be limited to kids and teens until they leave the house. To begin with, the physical health of teens. When teens get too much screen time, physical problems can occur. According to the article "kids still getting to much screen time" by Amy Norton, it states "That advice is based on research more screen time to obesity, higher blood pressure, cholesterol, and sleep loss..." (Norton). Many teens with smartphones tend to sleep with the device in the same room. When this is happening, the mind is confused because from the smartphone it emits a blue light. So, the brain is forcing the body to stay awake. Also, teens aren’t getting the recommended amount of physical activity. Combine this with junk food and "bam" the teen is now obese. Along with physical health …show more content…

According to the article "10 Great things teens learn while "playing" online" by Christy Matte, it says "Here are 10 things your teens can learn from their time online... Typing skills, communication, tolerance, basic computer skills, self awareness and expression, global world view, research skills, entrepreneurship, time management and teaching/mentorship experience" (Matte). It teaches these teens for example the basic computer skills, with this skill you can actually get a job and even fix some computers with viruses. Even with this time of year with teens being more open with the world, teens are excepting everyone with their sexuality, race, and religion. Believe it or not teens can actually learn how to use proper grammar when they

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