Social Education: Can Social Media Impact Learning?

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SOURCE A: Fifth of Secondary school pupils wake almost every night to use social media
Adolescents are having issues with their sleeping patterns. These issues are impacting their well being negatively. Many children’s sleeping patterns are becoming interrupted in order to use social media. They wake up in the middle of the night in order to use social media. The younger they are the more often they do so. Therefore many children wake up almost every night to do so. Furthermore social media causes children to go to sleep later than usual. Many children are going to bed by midnight or even later on school nights because they are being distracted by social media. Once again the younger they are the later they’ll go to bed. This causing them …show more content…

Therefore having a regular morning routine , which affects adolescents positively. Thus parents and friends should discourage the usage of social media during the night in order to prevent messing up one's sleeping pattern.
SOURCE B: Can Social Media Impact Learning?
The use of social media has positive impacts on student’s achievements. Social media has also increased digital communication skills therefore texting, tweeting and instagramming, which are extremely vital in our modern society due to the increase dependence we have on social media and technology. Increase usage of social media also strengthens general communication skills and heightens the levels of communication through collaborative learning environments.
The student’s engagement increases through the use of social media. Students are more willing to connect through the use of technology in order to research information, share ideas and produce final products. It increases thie enthusiasm for the topic and allows for them to learn how to solve problems themselves thus making it an engaging environment for them to …show more content…

Apparently students that use social media display improvements in their grades compared to a classmate that is not connected socially on media. Another pro for social media is that it can hold information for long . it also allows for the students to achieve a deeper understanding of the work because they extend their knowledge beyond the classroom and thus allowing them to shares their knowledge.
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SOURCE E: Using Social Media in the Classroom; Why there’s a lot to like by Marie Owens
There are new ways for teachers and students to communicate however these opportunities are not being used. Teachers can connect with their students through the use of social media platforms through a professional account. Social media would allow them to share and connect after school hours. Students and teachers would be able to discuss assignments and every step of the process. This would be achieved through t^creating groups on the platforms or hashtags thus allowing the teachers to view the collective work that has been produced. This would also inspire other students. Teachers can even make live

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