Teenage Decisions In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Teens may seem to make the most stupid, irrational, and rash decisions they possibly could for the seemingly relatively easy lives they live, but being an adolescent isn’t easy. The teen characters from Romeo and Juliet all make some pretty stupid decisions, but they are, in fact, teenagers; their brains are not actually yet fully developed. They don’t have the same capacity to make decisions with the distant future in mind as those of us who do have more developed brains. Therefor, they shouldn’t be held to the same standards as adults, as their brains are just more likely to lean towards risk taking and impulsive behavior - it isn’t their fault. Though adults can help guide adolescents through decisions, teens need to be able to try things and learn by themselves. The adults in this tragedy definitely were not a good example of how to take care of teens, and probably are at fault for the terrible decisions many of the teen characters made, just as much so as the teens themselves.
There is a way that teens act the way they do - their brains are still actively growing and developing, changing day to day, still far from reaching their full potential. As stated in Article One, “The part of the brain that makes …show more content…

I’ve been told that it’s a little more attuned to emotions, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with me, or the characters in Romeo and Juliet. They all let their emotions take control of them, especially when they’re around their peers. They succumb to the pull of doing the more immediately rewarding thing, which I too often feel the need to do. Overall, though, it’s just not completely their fault, though some of them did show that they have the capacity to think rationally in terms of future, their brains just aren’t all the way there yet. something about how it's not fun because it's not right

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