Teenage Dating In Dating

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Teenage Dating Decision Today, teens are starting to date at an earlier age. From dating in high school to now dating in 7th grade! The people teens date can have an important impact on their life. Parents in the 21st century should be able to forbid their teens from dating certain people. During the teenage years, teens’ brains go through new development and reorganization. Not all of the teenage brain acts like an adult’s brain, so during these times, teens learn new things more easily with the growing brain. From the article, Beautiful Brains from National Geographic,”our brains undergo a massive reorganization between our 12th and 25th years.”(Dobbs, 1) During those 3 years, teenage brains learn, grow, and are changed by external forces more easily. So what is stopping teens from …show more content…

During the teenage years, teens go through changes in their brain and have not fully understood how other people influence themselves. So parents should be able to stop in and aid their teens in dating the right people. Adolescents are able to be highly influenced from the outside world when going through the 3 years and even after the new development and reorganization in their brain. During this time, teens are more likely to engage in more serious risks and their daily skills that they use, shape their way on in life. From Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet,”This, by his voice, should be a Montague. Fetch me my rapier boy. What, dares the slave come hither, covered with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity? Now by the stock and honor of our kin, to strike him dead I hold it not a sin.” (I.v,LL 59-64) Born as a Capulet, Tybalt has learned that Capulet and Montague can not be together and the other side is evil. If he did not learn from his parents, he might have been peaceful with the Capulet. However with about 14 years of being by his parents has

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