Teen Suicide Essay

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Suicide among young adults is a major ongoing situation that is preventable. There are thousands of teenagers committing suicide each year. "It is the third-leading cause of death for young people ages fifteen to twenty-four, surpassed only by homicide and accidents, according to the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention" (Teen). Teenagers experience different fears, for example, feeling like they are not good enough, feeling alone, or even being stressed or pressured about something. For most teens, suicide seems to be the only option to escape their problems. There can be many causes behind a teen 's suicide. The probability of these suicides dramatically increases when there are firearms in the home of teenagers. Over half …show more content…

The teenage years are an uneasy and anxious period as young men and women face their problems while transitioning into the adult world. The same emotional distress that makes adults feel helpless and choosing suicide also relates to adolescents. Those with a good support system are more likely to have someone to help them cope with their problems, for example, getting through a divorce, a substance abuse, alcoholism, or even emotional neglect. Being able to identify the signs of teenage suicide are very pertinent factors. It’s important because a guardian should be able to identify those behaviors so he or she can get you the right help and/or treatment. Those without a good support system are more vulnerable during the changes in their emotions. They often feel like they are all alone at times where they feel like they need someone the …show more content…

There are psychological and biological treatments that can be useful in addressing health problems that put teens at risk for suicide. There is no treatment that can specifically stop one’s thoughts about suicide. However, recognizing and dealing with any mental illness can decrease the risk. Treatments for major depression and bipolar disorders have been shown to lower the risk to commit suicide. Lithium is the most widely use medications for treating bipolar disorders. Lithium helps prevent future episodes of being depressed or acting insane. For good results, it may be prescribed for a long period of time as a supportive therapy. "People who often have suicidal thoughts may take advantage from particular types of psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) talks about negative thoughts and cognitive distortions. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown in multiple studies to help reduce the symptoms related to anxiety disorders and depression. "If you can recognize the risk factors for suicide early and act to change the ones you can control; you may save your life - or that of a close friend or family member"

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