Ted Cruz For President Rhetorical Analysis

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Propaganda Analysis
Since the dawn of time, man has always sought to manipulate and control his surroundings for his own benefit and survival. In many societies, this desire has carried itself over into public life in the form of propaganda, a “deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist” (Jowett and O’Donnell 2015, 7). One such example of modern day propaganda is indubitably the campaign ad released by presidential hopeful Ted Cruz on March 23rd 2015 entitled “Ted Cruz for President”. As William J. McGuire explains in his theory of persuasion however, failure at any stage in the persuasive process can result in …show more content…

As can be inferred from the title, a glittering generality is usually characterized by a series of beautiful but ultimately meaningless series of words. In this particular case, the public sees itself told that it is “a time for truth, a time to rise to the challenge just as Americans have always done and give bold voice and action to reclaiming the unlimited potential of each and every one of us. Your fight is my fight. I believe in America and her people. I believe in the conservative principles upon which this country was build. And I believe that we can stand up and restore our promise, honor the constitution and re-establish our leadership in the world.” Exactly what this means is unclear as no defined stance or position is taken, however it nonetheless serves as a very effective method of persuasion. Whether this is because it is particularly good at motivating unsophisticated audiences given its resemblance to heuristic cues, or because it allows the voters to substitute their exact ideas for the candidate’s we have no way of knowing. Regardless, it is a clever tactic to use on the part of the Cruz campaign as will doubtlessly help to increase their candidate’s appeal with potential …show more content…

In essence, this is a rhetorical persuasion system based on the character of the speaker, their authority and their credibility. Logically, this typically involves a heavy reliance on authority based argumentation, though this certainly does not always have to be the case. In this particular case, the speaker makes frequent reference to how he is different from most other politicians, and will work for the people and their values. In particular, he points out that he has always fought to defend “hope, freedom and Faith in God”, which he subsequently illustrates with a series of examples. As mentioned previously, all of this will also build trust in the candidate and their basic values, which is quite clever on the part of Ted Cruz’s campaign as it is likely to drive his support further and increase his chances of winning the

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