Technology Personal Statement

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Ever since my childhood, technology has been an important aspect of my life. My world and everybody else has had technology revolve around them, some point in their life.The distinction between me and everyone else is technology is my passion.It's my main aspiration to pursue a career revolving technology.I have gained interest in technology from my own personal experiences such as computers, games, and electronics.My goal is to gain more experienced in technology and see different perspectives as I grow more profound and passionate from it.
To begin with, technology has shaped my life in many aspects.It has changed my perspective and has shaped the person I am. As I grew up with technology I became more passionate and understanding about it.It has always interested me throughout my childhood and I have always been a quick learner.My interests in technology is a software developer, film editor, and a graphic designer.Software developing has interested me because it takes creativity and the use of coding to create a software for new uses of technology.Film

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