Technology And Ethics In The Film, Gattaca And Wall-E

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We will be looking into the films, Gattaca, and Wall-e. With these two films we will discuss Technology and ethics. To discuss ethics, we must first define ethics, ethics is considered to be the guidelines in which people decide what is “right” and “wrong”. Which can be considered relative as they may depend on the situation and the priorities of the individual. We will be applying ethical dilemmas based on available hypothetical technology displayed in the films. When does technology overreach into the unethical realm, and also whether or not there should be just one person to be able to make decisions for everyone. The similarities between Gattaca and Wall-e is the ethical dilemmas that comes with the technology available to them. There will …show more content…

These two abilities combined made it possible for a new hierarchy to arise, one based on DNA. It is not ethical to base someone’s worth on biology, that falls under the same circumstances as racism. The reason this should not be considered ethical is that DNA, or skin pigment is not the basis of success, nor ability. As stated in the reading “The best possible child” to have a child with the best genetics is relative, changing depending on the situation and the people. While in Gattaca there was a hierarchy that was based on technology in Wall-e the ones in charge seemed to be the technology. Technology should never be in charge, as they are programmed and in that sense will not necessarily make the best decisions. Instead, technology should be like a loosely defined guideline. A perfect example of how technology was in charge is seen when the Captain of the ship has a hard time getting the ship to follow his commands, while the humans drifted through life doing the least possible, and without any real purpose. Besides the captain there was no one else really in any position to make …show more content…

They were both advanced from our current situation, but in the end new technology means new regulation. As new technology is engineered there are new responsibilities that must be taken into account. The responsibility of who should have access to this technology what would be the restrictions on the technology, and if only one person should have command over these decisions. Firstly, there should be more than one person that has to be responsible for the decision as many people are egocentric. The more people involved the more input and ideas that can be considered. It will make decision-making a little more complicated, but some decisions require time. There needs to be a process in which all possibilities are considered and the decision is well analyzed and digested, instead of rushed. In both films there are decisions taken on by one person. This decision can be seen is an advantage to the character making the decision. In Gattaca there is a decision to leave the hierarchy in place, when there is a possibility of Vincent changing the status quo, this was very greedy in that he made his main goal to get into space instead of helping everyone else. In Wall-e the decision to go back to earth was very selfish, as he was the one fascinated to how things used to be, while nobody else really seemed to

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