Teaching Year Round School

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Could you even think about teaching year round? I know crazy right yet so many schools are doing it it's ridiculous. not only that but the way they treat teachers is crazy. We have all had that we loved to be in her class. Imagine her not being able to have any time to relax, her job getting harder, and being worked harder for less money. Terrible right well that is what year round schools are doing to innocent teachers.

We don't realize how much teachers work during summer. they do a lot.According to neatoday.org they state "As educators begin a new school year they usually have time to attend staff meetings, tidy up classrooms, and prepare for upcoming students."Well since the 45 to 15 day week thing teachers only have 15 days to do those things. Witch probably leaves little to no time for them to spend time with family or to relax. Also found on neatoday.org , "There is much pressureSetting up the classroom and getting ready for the kids return.'' Witch is completely unfair to the teachers just because there school bored decided to run a new schedule. …show more content…

Also found on neatoday.org "Placing teachers in different groups makes collaboration more difficult; at least one track is out while the other is in school" this is a very big part in being a teacher in just because teachers are on a year-round schedule does not mean that their job needs to get

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