Teaching Tacts

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Reflection Piece #16 Summary The topic for today’s reading was Teaching Tacts. The first reading, Teaching Verbal Operants, stated that the main goal is to get the child to communicate either vocally or non-vocal (e.g., using sign language), but to do so the child should be able to mand in order to move to other operants. The reason that the child should have manding skills is due to the learner will be taught tacting, echoic, and intraverbals skills within the mand frame. Then, this reading described the basics of a Verbal Behavior program as mentioned each of the skills, and how they should be taught to children to avoid problem behavior. The point is to make the child to learn to communicate fluently with prepositions and tacting all items effectively without having to prompt or echoic. On the second reading, Teaching Tact and Receptive Skills, also described tacting skills, but in a broader way. Additionally, it emphasized that the only prerequisite skills necessary to start tact and receptive training are that the child should have some responses under echoic or imitative ...

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