Teaching Grammar as a Parent

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Teaching Grammar as a Parent

As a parent how do you teach grammar? Children learn from their

parents; what they do and how they do it. Of course, children learn

from their teachers, as well as, other children. But most of all,

children learn from their everyday surroundings and environment.

Some parents think that once their children are in school, they can

relax and let the education system take charge. But this is not the

case at all. Based on my own experience, my husband and I have had

an even greater influence on our children’s academic results than the

school system. Most of a child’s capacity to communicate, to

describe to teachers and peers and their feelings towards learning, is

formed at home. Parents can help give their children an advantage

and begin their education at home, even before they start school.

Can children learn grammar from just writing their own words? Or is

it best to drill and drill, then test their skill, and drill again and

test again on just grammar? Which way is best in developing

grammar? If you think the education system will do it all, think

again. The parents of today need to be prepared, motivated, and of

course, confident to help their children succeed.

How do we prepare our children? First off, reading, reading, and

more reading to children at an early age can give them a head start

when they start school. Parents should not stop reading or helping

their children when they do start going to school. They still like

to be read to, and it can help to increase their vocabulary as well.

Parents can also help their children with their reading sk...

... middle of paper ...

...rom my experience, not

experiments of other children and documented research. As a parent

today, I have done the total opposite of my parents, with the help of

my husband and with teachers in the Twinsburg school system.

All in all, the parents of today need to be prepared, motivated, and

of course; confident to help their children succeed. Learning is

different for each and every child but reading, and more reading to

children at an early age can give them a head start in school. So

learning grammar for one child might be different than another. As

you can see, giving each child the individual attention he or she

needs will determine which way is best in developing grammar as a

parent. Of course, one method might work on one child and not the

other; a combination of different methods might be the solution.

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