Teachers Should Not Be Taught In Schools Essay

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We all know that kids say the ‘darndest’ things and with that, teachers today can be at the mercy of students and their words. Teachers need to protect themselves from false allegations of any misconduct from children. I think being in the room with several children will help protect you from those allegations. If one child falsely accuses you, those other students will hopefully have your back and tell the truth. In the first instance, a fight has broken out but the teacher should not leave the classroom because that would create a neglect for my children.
Secondly, you never want to be alone in a room with a student. Being alone in a room with a student can create a world as stated in Standard 3.9 where it says: The educator shall refrain …show more content…

The best way to avoid those situations is to email or use a third party app that will prevent you from giving your phone number out to students. Whenever I was coaching a youth baseball team, some of the kids had phones and I was able to use an app called Remind that would let me text the parents and students without giving away my phone number and still keep that professional dialogue.
The fourth practical step talks about a teacher driving a student which is not allowed because Standard 3.8 states: The educator shall maintain appropriate professional educator-student relationships and boundaries based on a reasonably prudent educator standard. The teacher should wait for the parent to come and pick up the student. A friend I knew was a yearbook teacher and as tempting as it was, she would have to wait at school for her students to be picked up on those late nights they were working on the book.
The 5th practical step to prevent yourself from false accusations is to never use force against a student unless the child is putting themselves or others in harm's way as stated in Standard 3.2. Unless children are hurting others or themselves, it’s very hard to justify putting your hands on a

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