Teacher Effectiveness Essay

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Defining and determining the scope and concept of teaching effectiveness is argued to be challenging for researchers (Roche & Marsh, 2000; Young & Shaw, 1999). It is not possible to limit the definition to one dimension, trait, behavior, or classroom procedure totally captures what it means to be an effective teacher. It is believed to be a multidimensional construct, including such issues as content knowledge, or pedagogical knowledge, or personality features of the teacher, and classroom dynamics (Bush, Svinicki, Kim, & Achacoso, 2006; Carnell, 2007).
Although there is no clear definition, evaluations of teacher effectiveness are often used in studies as a form of formative and summative assessment about the quality of instructors’ teaching (Ahmadi & Cotton, 1998; Blackhart, Peruche, DeWall, & Joiner, 2006). Classroom observation by trained educators, peer review by fellow colleagues, and student evaluations of teachers often shape the basis for teaching effectiveness critiques. The above ways introduce formative feedback to educators, including different issues related to teachers such as perceptions of the level of teacher preparation, enthusiasm, subject knowledge, and presentation skills; the nature of teacher interpersonal skills, being fair, and concern for students; and the quality, quantity and frequency of teacher feedback are the issues that are important in evaluating teachers and these are the issues that learners will critique at the firs glance (Feldman, 1989, 1996). A continuous and important part of academic life, these evaluations also inform college managers when retention, merit, promotion, and other important decisions are going to made; and help students in selecting courses or individual parts of cour...

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...eptions of teachers (Akerlind, 2007; Buskist, 2002; Erdle, Murray, & Rushton, 1985; Lowman, 1984, 1996; Murray, Rushton, & Paunonen, 1990). The teacher’s capability to create rapport is revealed in students’ sense of classroom community (i.e., the more positive and interactive the student-teacher relationship, the higher the students’ success). In order to build and keep that student-centered quality that is so important to students’ success, teachers would appear to have an open posture towards their own teaching. But what shapes teachers’ attitudes and objectives for their own teaching?
Teachers’ manners, and their goal orientations towards their own teaching, affect the way teachers maintain course objectives, design class activities, and regulate themselves when interacting with students. Using self-efficacy and goal orientation paradigms, Kucsera, Roberts,

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