Tay Sachs Disease Case Study

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The Identification of Tay Sachs Disease
Tay Sachs Disease is a lysosomal storage disease that was first uncovered over a century ago. Since the defective enzyme was originally identified in 1969, we are now capable of providing numerous tests and screening methods to those that may be at risk for TSD. While anyone can undergo TSD screening, it is primarily geared toward the high risk Ashkenazi Jew population. Testing was originally accomplished in the 1970s by measuring the activity of HexA in a serum or white blood cells. There are multiple methods used when testing and screening for TSD. Those methods include carrier testing, prenatal testing, enzyme assay testing and mutation analysis testing. There are also symptoms exhibited by patients …show more content…

Carrier testing is a popular option for couples who are looking to reproduce and are coming from at-risk populations. It is common for those who chose to undergo carrier testing to be aware of results or genetic disease in their family history. Prenatal testing is available to determine whether a fetus has inherited two, one from each parent, copies of the mutated gene that will cause TSD. Prenatal testing is generally utilized when both parents cannot be ruled out as carriers. Prenatal testing is performed via an assay of Hex A enzyme activity in the fetus’s cells. The cells are taken by chorionic villus sampling—when tissue is taken from the fetal portion of the placenta— or amniocentesis—where amniotic fluid is …show more content…

The red spot is easily diagnosed with an ophthalmoscope by a physician. The red spot is found in the retinal area and appears the color red due to gangliosides residing in the retina’s ganglion cells. The cherry red spot is the only normal portion of the retina due to choroidal circulation being shown by the red in the foveal region. This is a direct result of the retinal ganglion cells being pushed aside to increase visual perception. The cherry red spot shows up in contrast the remainder of the retina. Due to the excess ganglioside storage, the retinal neurons are now distended. The below picture shows an example of the cherry red spot in a TSD

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