Tapped Documentary Analysis

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The documentary Tapped uncovers the truths about the bottled water industry giants and the negative effect of water mining and the bottles themselves is causing to people and the environment. Currently the world is made up of 75% of water but only one percent of it is drinkable. This film tries to shed light on the fact that many well-known companies like Nestlé and Pepsi are just stealing tap water and turning around to make a profit. Even the item that is being used to hold water is also having negative affects too. The chemicals like PET and BPA are in the bottles that water comes in and both of these chemicals are known to cause serious health risk to humans. Even with all the truth and evidence that is in this film the FDA still doesn’t want to accept it. According to some scientists in this film they predict that by 2030 we will see a significantly lack of the water supply globally. Water is a basic need and without it survival is at the minimum. Currently this basic need has been capitalized on and big companies are making a substernal amount of money while the rest of the population and the ecosystem are have to pay for the long term negative effects. One of …show more content…

First of all Americans need to stop buying bottled water and just get it from your tap. It is going to be cleaner and healthier than the water these large companies are selling. When it comes to our health and the environment it should be separate from the government and not regulated by the same organizations who are benefiting from the profits of selling tapped water. Bottled water is not the only thing that needs to be closely watched, the containers the water comes in has just as much negative effects on the environment. If the government put a ban on plastic bottles contains chemical that are known to cause cancer could seriously improve the health of all species on the

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