Tamales Research Paper

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I am an unofficial member of the "Krewe Of Will Travel For Food". I should have a card that I keep in my wallet and a magnet that I'm able to attach to my car. I've traveled to New Orleans for lunch, Ruston for a sandwich, and now Toledo Bend as an excuse to stop in Zwolle for some tamales.

What are tamales?

My definition of tamales are pockets of corn meal stuffed with pork and seasonings created by Jesus for me and you! Wikipedia describes them as "a traditional Mesoamerican dish made of masa (a starchy dough, usually corn-based), which is steamed in a corn husk or banana leaf. The wrapping is discarded before eating. Tamales can be filled with meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, chilies or any preparation according to taste, and both the …show more content…

For my readers outside of the area just know that if you ever want some AMAZE BALLS tamales, you have to go to Zwolle. Don't buy the tamales in the stores that say "Zwolle Tamales". Nope! Do yourself a favor, join my krewe and actually travel to Zwolle, LA and roll up on someone's trailer and enjoy the deliciousness. After all, that is what I did.

I hopped in a 2016 Mazda CX-3 AWD courtesy of my friends at Mazda and DriveShop and drove to one hour south to Zwolle in search of some tamales. On a previous trip to Zwolle, I discovered a particular brand of tamales but on this trip they were closed so we had to come up with a new plan quickly. My road trip buddy, Brandy immediately jumped on google and found L&W Tamales. I called them, they were open, and we didn't need to preorder so that is where we went.

When we drove up, I knew we were exactly where we needed to be. Not because the sign said L&W but because we rolled up on someone's trailer. Rolling up on someone's trailer in Zwolle is a good thing. In other parts of the country, this may be a cause for alarm but not where Zwolle and tamales are concerned. We got out the car, walked in the trailer and were greeted by a woman who immediately said "Y'all must not be from here". Was it THAT obvious? Probably not but I think everyone in Zwolle knows each other and she didn't know us. She was kind of dry, not very friendly, just wanted to know what our order was and for us to be gone. AGAIN friends, this is NOT a bad

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