Talking About Cheating Research Paper

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Have you ever had a teacher catch you cheating? Many people today have been caught cheating and it will hurt them in the long run. What about having a permanent offense on your record? Well many kids do have plagiarizing offenses. In the article, "Talking about cheating" by Jessica Lahey, and "cheatings surprising thrill" by Jan Hoffman. People are discussing if cheating is okay or if its bad. Even though some people may think its ok because it can give you a thrill, or help your emotions in good ways. But cheating is not okay because it can ruin your future, it can make cheating become a habit for all kids, and kids fall behind in their academic career. To begin, cheating is egregious becasue it can ruin your future. In "talking about …show more content…

One example is in "Cheatings surprising thrill" by Jan Hoffman, she addressed, "The fact that people feel happier after cheating is disturbing, meaning they are more likely to do it again."(Hoffman) So since cheating on things can make you feel good it can make you do it over and over because it can make you think its okay. Then you will get the good grade and it will make you feel even better about yourself cheating. But in the long run, the good grade doesnt have any affect on your future especially if you get caught. Another example is, In my 8th grade, their is a kid named Seth, and in english we have to do these short essays. And my teacher Mrs. Gillie read his short essay and could tell he searched up an essay online and copy and pasted it into his essay paragraphs. So she searched it up and sure enough his extravagent essay was a lie and he got it offline. So she told the principal and it went on his permanent record forever and so all of his colleges and even his jobs are going to know that he lies and has a bad reputation. So if you ever think about cheating or plagiarizing, think twice because everything you apply for will know that you will cheat if you got caught. And when you think back on your life and ask yourself if it was worth it, you will feel terrible about

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