Taking Drugs During Pregnancy Essay

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Studies have shown that consumption of illegal drugs during pregnancy can result in miscarriage, low birth weight, premature labour, placental abruption, fatal death, and even maternal death. Illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine aren’t the only drugs that are harmful to fatal development, commonly used over-the-encounter medicines, along with substances such as caffeine and alcohol can have lasting effects on an unborn child. If you smoke, drink alcohol or ingest caffeine, so does the foetus. Taking drugs during pregnancy also increases the chance of birth defects premature babies, underweight babies, and stillborn births. The drugs can also affect the child memory and attentiveness.

2.2 Argument Taking drugs during pregnancy …show more content…

They can also join groups that support them and that will help them in dealing with drugs rehab so that they could quit and leave a healthy life style. Teen will also experience pain during pregnancy and they will be tempted to take pain killers all the time which can harm your baby’s health, so before they take any pain killer they should always check with their doctors or pharmacist before taking any medicine. Most of teens do not tell that they are pregnant and when they are sick they go to the doctors, so they should tell their doctors that they pregnant before they are given any medication regarding their sickness. They can also get help from their maternity team, their GP and from specialist’s treatment services. They can also get help from wide range of other services such as antenatal and family support. They should always avoid X-rays during pregnancy make sure that their doctors or dentists know about that they pregnant before they treat them. They can listen to radios and television to hear more about the effects of alcohol during

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