Takeshi Yabe And The Definition Of Bullying

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What is bullying ? There is no proper definition of bullying. Bullying can be done in many ways, such as physical, verbal or social. As an example, constantly pushing an individual out of a group is a form of verbal bullying. The many different forms of bullying have something in common. They cause a lot of stress for the victim. There are countless definitions to the term bullying written for different purposes and focusing on different aspects. The main thing that differentiates bullying from the many types of unpleasant behaviour is the affect it may have on the victim. Victims of bullying will be seriously hurt or depressed and most of the times, unable to protect themselves. The society has to have a better knowledge towards the term “bullying” …show more content…

He claimed that most schools in Japan don’t dare to publicise bullying incidents as it will ruin the image of the school. According to Takeshi, this happens because the heads of the education ministries in Japan assume that bullying should not happen in schools, so when it does, the people with power decides to pretend as if nothing is happening. This gives the authorities of the school a reason or excuse to not report bullying, even though Takeshi says bullying in Japan can reach a point where the victim could be bullied by an entire class, including the teacher. This clearly shows that bullying cases are handled differently in different countries. It is important to be concerned with resolving whatever issues involved because the effects of bullying does not only last in childhood. Unfortunately, the effects of bullying can last well into adulthood for certain victims. Victims of bullying usually suffers from depression, loneliness, always running away from home, alcohol and drug use and many more. Victims of bullying are mostly suicidal. They think of committing a suicide almost every time they are being bullied. We need to find answers to all these questions and issues because only then we can find ways to prevent or reduce bullying cases all around the world. We have to put an end to bullying not only in schools but also workplaces and many more. We need to find effective ways to solve the bullying issues around the world. However there are negative effects that might occur in the progress of preventing bullying such as more children will be sent to rehab centres. This will drastically lower the academic achievements of a certain learning institution. Moreover, if the case of bullying is very severe, the bully might face more serious punishments such as death penalty. This will greatly increase the number of deaths in the

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