Tair Rice Case Study

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There have been numerous cases of police using deadly force in the headlines recently, from Michael Brown in St Louis, to Walter Scott in South Carolina, to Tamir Rice in Ohio. All three of these cases have similar story lines, African American males, who have been shot and killed by the police, however, one of them has a key difference that the other two don’t have. That key difference is the fact that Tamir Rice was a 12 year old boy, playing at a park. Throughout this paper, I will address the civil legal issues that the Officers involved with this case face while focusing on the active civil lawsuit filed by Tamir Rice’s Estate. To have a complete understanding of what occurred the day Tamir Rice was shot, lets first address the factual …show more content…

24). The action against Garmback for negligence also states that Officer Garmback owed a duty to act in a reasonable manner with regard to Rice’s health and safety and that “failing to properly apprise himself of the scene and scenario upon arriving to the incident, driving directly to the area in which Tamir Rice was seated without positioning the vehicle and officers in an area which provided cover to properly assess and handle the situation; failing to use appropriate levels of force; failure to properly assess levels of threat; failure to properly issue verbal commands; failure to properly identify oneself as an officer; failure to properly supervise Defendant Timothy Loehmann including failure to intervene; B) failing to summons immediate emergency medical care for Plaintiff Tamir Rice as he lay bleeding to death in the snow, and failure to respond to emergency medical needs of Tamir Rice and/or administer resuscitative measures and/or administer first aide;” (Rice Estate

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