Ta-Nehisi Coates The Case For Reparations Summary

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“The Case for Reparations”, written by Ta-Nehisi Coates (2014), paints a vivid image of racism in the United States. Starting with the time period of the Jim Crow laws and bringing it forward to present times, he illustrates the systemic problems that our country faces. One of his main focuses is on residential segregation, caused by housing policy. He wraps up by calling for reparations and that without any form of repair, “America will never be whole”. Some may find his arguments to be a bit intense, however I agree that the United States needs to acknowledge that these problems exist and begin to attempt to pay back the debt. This debt that the United States should be held accountable for is principally due to our past. However, the past is not the only aspect that is causing problems. Coates would argue that racism is still prevails today. He says, “But practically a full century after the end of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, the plunder—quiet, systemic, submerged—continued even amidst the aims and achievements of New Deal liberals” (Coates, 2014). This would indicate that while racism exists today, it is easily ignored because it is not as explicit as it once was. Coates never specifically uses the term systemic racism to describe this, but this is exactly what he is describing. …show more content…

He brings up the many different proposals over time, ranging from financial compensation to a program centered around training to get people out of poverty (Coates, 2014). Yet, these are not what he is in favor of. In his words, he says, “What I’m talking about is more than recompense for past injustices—more than a handout, a payoff, hush money, or a reluctant bribe. What I’m talking about is a national reckoning that would lead to spiritual renewal” (Coates, 2014). To him, reparations will be achieved when we realize our past mistakes and move

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