Synthesis Essay: The Negative Effects Of Social Media On Students

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The Problem with Social Media

Colleges, employers, and schools frequently ponder ther question, should social media be investigated in order to admit a student or check up on an employee. There are many possible ways that this investigation could be seen as negative, but also many ways this could be seen positively. For example, an employee might be posting bad things about their job or boss on Facebook, which could negatively impact the employee but it would be beneficial for the business to know about. This question has many answers for this process, and also against this process. Although some people would think that social media is a large cause for rejection from colleges, but “only 38% of colleges reported what they saw on social media to negatively affect their views on the applicant” (Source A). This means that 64% of applicants’ social media is not entirely inappropriate. Some would …show more content…

“A student visited one university and gushed about it, later trashing it online” (Source A, John Hechinger). This would be a reason why colleges should use social media to check on students. “Though it does seem rather harsh” (Source C), if someone does not get the job they would like because of something they had posted online. People should be judged and hired on their qualifications, not on what they do outside of their job. A student at the University of California, Los Angeles resigned from her college after receiving death threats and harassment. This was a result of her posting a “racist video, a tyrade against the Asian population at her school” (Source E). This is another reason why social media should be used against students. This behavior is not acceptable. But, later on the student apologized saying, “it was an attempt to produce a humorous video” (Source E). People should also be given freedom to speak their mind, which should not be held against their

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