Advantages of Using Social Media in Business

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Social media is a form of online communication channels devoted to society input, intercommunication, and cooperation. In social media, people can talk and interact without restriction, exchange and debate information with each other about their lives by using many different combinations of the words, personal multimedia, photos, and videos. Also, in social media, individulsa and groups can create, edit, comment on, and engage in personal conversations. There are numerous types of social media, for example, wikis, blogs, social network site, micro blogging services, and sites sharing media. At the beginning, social media was limited to a few networks sites, for instance, Bulletin Board System that allows people to communicate with each other and post a comment. Today, social media has transformed from ineffective sites to more useful and effective websites, for example, Facebook, and MySpace. Some companies are using social media to achieve their goals which is attracting more customers to company website. Three advantages of using social media in business are: raising brand consciousness, building customer relationships, and increasing performance measurements. The first advantage of using social media in business is increasing brand awareness. Social media can help business to build their brand awareness by increasing interactions with a business brand. Brand awareness means the total percent of a target people who know the company exists and what the company offers of products or services. When the brand awareness is increased, the possibility of buying is increased. Thus, efforts should be made to make the brand a part of the consciousness of customers. For example, Coca- Cola is one of the best companies that enjoy unusual... ... middle of paper ... Blanchard, O. (2011). Social media ROI: Managing and measuring social media efforts in your organization. Available from Indrupati, J., & Henari, T. (2012). Entrepreneurial success, using online social networking: Evaluation. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 5(1), 47-62. doi: Marta, C. C., Martínez, E. E., & Sánchez, L. L. (2013). The «i-Generation» and its Interaction in Social Networks. An Analysis of Coca-Cola on Tuenti. Comunicar, 20(40), 41-47. doi:10.3916/C40-2013-02-04 Parsons, A. (2013). Using social media to reach consumers: A content analysis of official Facebook pages. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 17(2), 27-36. Retrieved from

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