Synthesis Essay: Invasion Of Privacy

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Synthesis Essay

Social media has many flaws that have yet to be dealt with, such as invasion of privacy, selling of personal information and people using the information provided including post to stalk someone on the internet or to lure in naive teens. This is not to mean that it is at without it’s merits.It connects the people of our world and makes us more aware of each other's problems. Today in america I can keep in touch with someone in China. That is a resource more valuable than time and money. Communication, connection that was the whole point of the social media networks. But many problems arises even from the good points. Things like body image and a person's view of their importance can be based around how many facebook friends of twitter followers you have which becomes a problem for …show more content…

Snapchat has recently added a part of its app that allows people to constantly see your location. Of course this is an optional service. “Snapchat isn’t the first social media company to allow location tracking. Twitter lets people add their locations to tweets, while Facebook check-ins and the “share location” Messenger function allow people to track their contacts. Apple also allows users to share their location on a map for a limited time period.” -Guardian However, I see more people using the service than not. The issue with the facebook tagging has come back in a worse form through this snapchat addition and It seems far too blatantly foolish to allow other people to constantly know where you are. The other invasion of privacy is that most social media sites and apps will sell your ad data and other data related to what you usually search. I feel that this is meant to be to our benefit to ensure we get ads that we would be interested in. However it would be less controversial if they told their users this ad allowed them to make their own

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