Synthesis Essay Introduction

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Disclaimer: This is not a PSA to make you put down the burger and immediately become a vegetarian, or vegan.

That being said... Sharing this new research is intended to help you be more mindful of your impact. In learning about the effects of a meat-based diet on your health and longevity you may want to make better decisions as a consumer, and a carnivore. Did someone say veggie burger?

Research Says...
We all need protein in our diet, that's no secret. Protein is essential in maintaining a healthy, functioning, body. As we probably can recall deep in our brains from high school biology class, protein is one of the “building blocks of life.” It runs through the cells of our body, and we need it in order to achieve optimal health.

So, …show more content…

Of the participants, all had at least one habit that was deemed unhealthy, think: smoking, excessive drinking, or obesity.

With adjustments made for the “lifestyle risk factors”, researchers were able to conclude that consumption of animal-based protein was associated with higher mortality risk—“particularly cardiovascular mortality” than that of those who consumed plant-based protein.

The Source …show more content…

In comparison to animal-based protein, plant-based protein may prove to be superior, especially where your health and longevity are concerned.

Bonus point for plant-based protein? It has less additives, too. Researchers noted that those “other components in protein-rich foods (eg, sodium, nitrates, and nitrites in processed red meat), in addition to protein per se, may have a critical health effect.”

Go Green For Your Protein
If you're new to this plant-based style of living, we'll give you some direction. Sources for plant-based protein are easier to come by than you might think. If you're not quite ready to give up a burger and a bun opt for a veggie or meatless burger. Impossible Foods has spent years creating a meat-free burger that bleeds like a regular burger would. Mind. Blown. Other plant-based protein rich sources to add to your meals? Quinoa, edamame pasta, firm tofu, beans, nuts, and seeds (chia,

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