Symbolism Of Freedom In The Disney Film Aladdin

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In the Disney movie Aladdin, flight symbolizes freedom. Aladdin is a peasant who finds a magic carpet and a genie while trapped inside a cave. Aladdin uses one of his wishes to become a prince in order to impress Jasmine, a princess. Disguised as a prince, Aladdin goes to the palace to take Jasmine on a flight on his magic carpet. She agrees and the two fly away. When Jasmine and Aladdin fly away, it signifies an escape to freedom. Aladdin has just escaped his life as a poor peasant who lived on the streets to become a wealthy prince. As a prince, he is no longer bound by his social class and he is free to ask Jasmine, a princess, out on a date. For Aladdin, this flight symbolizes his escape from poverty and freedom to go out with Jasmine.

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