Swales Writing Techniques

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Swales has provided a technique known as Create a Research Space (CARS) in order to give readers of academic journals the ability to recognize key points and to understand what is being conveyed to them in three moves. These three moves are are establishing a territory; establishing a niche; and occupying a niche. Thonney states that no matter what the discipline, there are general writing techniques that are applicable across the board. To verify her point she analyzed randomly selected articles from different disciplines ranging from “American Journal of Community Psychology” to “Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers”. From this analysis, she concluded that there are six standard techniques applicable to all academic journals .The two techniques explored are that writers emphasize evidence, often in tables, graphs and images and those academic writers adopt a voice of authority. This paper will use Swale’s CARS and two conventions described by Thonney in order to …show more content…

Turner establishes her territory by using step one under this move which is claiming centrality. This happens when the author wants their said audience to accept that the topic they are exploring is a part of a lively topic. The example to support this claim is that she begins by talking about the dramatic increase in incarceration and due to this, “there is a burgeoning literature documents the mostly negative consequences of incarceration for population health.” Also used under move one, is step three which is reviewing previous items of research. In this case, Turner does this by stating, “Moreover, the negative health consequences of incarceration are not limited to former prisoners, as growing evidence suggests that incarceration also has delirious mental and physical health consequences for romantic partners and other family members of the incarcerated (Lee et all 2014;Wildeman, Schnittker, and Turney

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