Suzy And Leah By Jane Yolen Analysis

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The main characters in Jane Yolen’s story “Suzy and Leah” are, Suzy Ann McCarthy, and Leah Shoshana Hershkowitz. Although their relationship had a very rocky start because neither one of them knew each other, Suzy’s feelings begin to revolutionize about Leah throughout the diary because they got to know and care for one another. In the beginning they did not know each other. Suzy’s feelings begin to change about Leah when her mother told her about the excruciating times and places that Leah was in. The two characters, Suzy and Leah read each others diary to get a better knowing of each other. Suzy at first did not comprehend why Leah acted the way she did, but now she realizes that it was such a vast change, and was very frightening for

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