Suspense In 'Let Em Play God'

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Everyone at one point has been captivated and intrigued by the plot of a movie or a book. This captivation is generated by the one tool that authors and directors love the most, suspense. Authors want their audience and readers of their writing to be enthralled by creating tension and thrill in their plot. The usage of style, characterization, point of view, and foreshadowing allows authors and directors to create suspense in their work. Suspense is a very difficult approach to master but with the correct tools it can be as simple as a walk through the park. An author or director can use style in their plot when they want to express their own personality or voice in their plot or writing. An author can use their style when they want their readers to know their own character in their overall work. In the excerpt “Let ‘Em Play God,”
Hitcock states, "Every maker of mystery movies aims at getting the audience on the edge of their seats. The ingredient to keep them there is called "suspense." Producers cry for it, writers cry in agony to get it, and actors cry for joy when they do get it. I've often been asked …show more content…

It gives clues to the readers of what might happen next in the story or what the story can result in. In the "Sorry, Wrong Number" the narrator is foreshadowing when he dramatically says, "She overhears two men division a secret plan.” Foreshadowing is clearly introduced here when the narrator of this story gives hints to the reader that something is about to happen next. When there are two men plotting together making a secret plan, the readers know that they will find it out. This creates more suspense and intimidation within the reader. The wife in the story is fearful. She doesn’t know what the plan is, but she has an idea that it has to do with her husband. The foreshadowing builds suspense before she finds out what the plan really

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