Susan Brison

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In this essay, I will refute Susan Brison’s argument on pornography stating how pornography is harmful towards women. I will reveal how pornography doesn’t play an important role in human trafficking, how the “spillover” effect Brison talks about is irrelevant, and how pornography doesn’t portray women as less. The arguments she makes are weak and attacks a small portion of the pornography industries while ignoring the majority. First, Brison begins her argument on pornography by stating, the creation of pornography is harmful. She defends her point by declaring that, Porn is playing an increasingly important part in global sex-trafficking. What Brison means is, the demand for pornography is a major cause of sex trafficking, and if you …show more content…

The “Spillover effect” is when a person from the same class (Gender, Race, Culture, Etc.) can influence how other members of that class are treated by their own individual actions. Brison feels that women in the pornography industry make women as a gender, get treated as unequal, or lesser than men. Also, as a part of the female gender, they have a self-duty to make sure their actions don’t have a negative effect on women as a whole. Brison’s argument is based on the thought process of the minority of the individuals who would think this way. Most people are intelligent enough to know that basing a group of people because of an individual’s actions is called stereotyping and is frowned upon in modern day. For example, recently there’s been an outbreak in Police shootings of innocent minorities in America. Although there is a group of people that get the thought, “All Police are Racist”, the majority don’t say every single police officer is a racist due to the few that are. That being said, there will always be a minority of people who are ignorant and base their thoughts of females on an individual’s action, but the majority of the mass

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