Susan B. Anthony

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Susan B. Anthony His 102 ON 1 United States History II Jennifer Conroy Edwards April 1, 2014 Would women have the right to vote without Susan B. Anthony? Susan Brownwell Anthony was one of the most extraordinary people of the 19th century, who rose from an ordinary Quaker world to become known as the “Napoleon” of feminism. Susan herself compared the relationship of wife and husband to slavery because it provided women the legal property of her husband, by the end of her work she helped women become----and eventually through her persistence although she did not get to live to see it, got women their voice to vote, without Susan B. Anthony’s life dedication to Woman's suffrage, I wouldn’t be surprised if women still wouldn’t have the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony was born February 15,1820 in Adams Massachusetts, She was the daughter to a cotton mill owner, who was a liberal Quaker. Susan's father taught her the ideas of self-support, self-discipline,principled convictions, and belief in self worth. Reform was very active in the Anthony home, both Mother and Father were strong believers in temperance and women's rights. Fighting for civil rights was in her blood. Susan's father even employed teachers in his own home. Growing up Susan had only known the Quaker life style were men and women spoke equally. Anthony’s first job was a teacher with the New York state school system. Her weekly salary was only one-fifth that of a male teacher, she protested the inequality, due to that and that she was visiting African Americans in their homes eventually caused her to get fired. After that she became a principal of the girls department oat Canajoharie Academy where one of the academies trustees stated,”thi... ... middle of paper ... and an American hero she devoted her life to working towards equal rights for all women. Through writing, speaking, and campaigning, Anthony and her supporters brought about change in the United States government and gave women the important voice that they had always been denied. Any study of feminism or women’s history would be incomplete without learning about her. She fought for her beliefs for 50 years and led the way for women to be granted rights as citizens of their country, Thanks to Anthony’s persistence, several years after her death, in 1920 women were given the right by the Nineteenth Amendment of the Constitution. I do believe she was the key figure in women getting the right to vote. “She will forever stand alone and unapproached, her fame continually increasing as evolution lifts humanity into higher appreciation of justice and liberty.”

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