Superstorm Sandy And Global Climate Change

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Niki Mirzaei Planet Earth Superstorm Sandy and Global Climate Change One of the most harrowing experiences in my life was Superstorm Sandy. I remember looking out of my window and seeing the sidings of my house hit my car. The eerie noises of the storm kept me up all night. And the prolonged power outage that accompanied the storm took away simple every day necessities such as heat, lighting, and the internet. My house did not face many physical damages. A few sidings on the face of the house were torn off and a few of our trees in the back yard had broken and fallen to the ground. The interior of our house was not affected at all by superstorm Sandy. All of our neighbors had flooded basements which ravaged their belongings. My neighbors were devastated by the damage that water flooding had caused them. They lost many old family photos that were not digital and could never be replaced. A few of my neighbors have finished basements. Their basements consisted of items such as TVs, stereo systems and many other expensive gadgets. All of these expensive items were damaged by the water flooding. Along with these items, the water damage in the basements caused many of my neighbors thousands of dollars in repairs for wet walls and wet carpets that needed to be replaced. Aside from the minimal damage my house encountered during superstorm Sandy, a lot of stress and emotional experiences took place inside of me. The fear of the storm itself kept my fight-or-flight mechanism on throughout the entire duration of the storm. I was constantly on edge; the slightest sounds would alarm and frighten me. My house lost power for about a day. This was very stressful for me because I could only get around the house with flashlights and candl... ... middle of paper ... ...issions. It is also renewable energy because its source of energy is the sun which does not deplete any natural sources and it will never run out (Solar Energy, n.d). Although it is hard to completely erase the damage and negative effects of global climate change, it is never too late to start improving our everyday lives to help benefit the planet we live on. Small changes like a light bulb, installing solar panels on a house, or even recycling a bottle of coke can help reduce the size of individual carbon footprints. It is also beneficial if one has enough money to indulge in an electric car. Perhaps in the future electric cars and biofuels will be the only options for driving creating a healthier planet to live on. In the future, electric cars and solar panels should become more affordable for the average person to purchase since they are currently too pricey.

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