Superman Hero

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Superman is no hero to me and so I stand behind my true hero, my father. Like any father, he is always there to give me advice, whether relationship, academic, spiritual, or you name it. We have had conversations that range from my past mistakes to future aspirations. I’ll state this “My father is no ordinary man”, some fathers’ are presidents, and millionaires and billionaires but my old man is an indomitable working man. By taking the time to understand who my father is I was able to find the locations of my characteristics. His actions are the reason to why my determination is revered. My uncle once told me, "JP, I can write a novel about your father!" I never quite grasped what he meant and his words reverberated 17 months later when hearing that my father's best friend had passed away. This episode made me realize the significance of having a father. My father, Luis, ran away from an abusive home at the age of 12 and had commenced his voyage to America. His struggles to feed six households and aspirations to leave the city to live in New Hampshire fills me up with motivational cells. He functions like the discovery of a water-buffalo, works and eats. This man is no ordinary man and I'm not just saying that ... I mean it. He survives from anything and everything he faces. Someone once pointed a gun at his brother …show more content…

He is the quintessence of the idea that is around of how hard life is and what we give we get. He started off by collecting bottles, tired but not one complaint came from this stalwart man, he gradually ranked up as a custodian. In school, I try with a plethora of effort to finish and get ahead of all my classes, with this extra time I dedicate and educated myself with the Math section of the SAT. My father's achievements are my precedent, he always reminded me that "We [Ecuadorians] always give it our all and when we don't have energy, we keep

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