The Ethical Dilemma of Super Cows: Genetic Modification

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This paper will talk about super cows and the ups and downs of their modification.They are miserable their whole and die painfully. Although it make low allergy milk which some people may need. No one I know wants to live in pain everyday of their life neither do these cows. A lot of beef on the market today is from a GMO. The GMO is the Super Cow (Belgian Blue). These cows are made by farmers messing with a gene. The cows have double the muscle mass but live a painful life. When the cow die since they are so big they have a lot of hazards waste. This began in the 1800s when farmers started experimenting with cows and made them. When cattle breeders look for cattle they get the biggest ones and breed them in hope they would be bigger. Since people have been messing with genes some get a defect in which there muscles don't stop growing and this can be painful to the cow. The farmers purposely mess with the genes. The gene they interfere with is the myostatin. This gene is responsible for telling the body to stop growing muscle. The cows go through a lot of pain when there muscles don't stop growing. The purpose to all this super cow stuff is to create more meat. This way of getting more meat is growing in the U.S.. This has been a process has gone on for about a century.They have picked certain cows to breed so there offspring with have more meat and the farmer will make more money. …show more content…

The purpose to all this super cow stuff is to create more meat. The cows have bad medical problems. They get abnormally large and it makes it hard for them to eat and there legs get stiff and it makes it hard for them to move. These cows aren't as friendly as a regular cow. Almost 90% of cows are born by c-section. The cows are too big to be born the normal way. Most of the super cows come from three super super cows and there descents this is from selection from the farmer to get the biggest

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