Summary of Film Jaws

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Summary of Film Jaws

This essay that I am doing is about a film called Jaws, which was

directed by Steven Spielberg. This film is about a killer shark that

terrorised people on the Beach of Amity Island on the most popular day

of the year, which causes mayhem in the city and between tourists on

their summer holiday on the beach.The film is set on the 4th of July

because that is Independence Day in America and that's when families

go out to the beach and have some fun.

Spielberg employs a range of techniques for building tension and fear

in the film, some of these that will be discussed in the essay

include: music, camera techniques and the shark it self and use of




The music played in the title sequence where the shark is swimming

between the weeds is played whenever the shark is about to attack or

near by a victim. The music is played to signify that the shark is

near by and an attack is inevitable.

Music or silence is used to scare the audience and build up tension,

for example silence is used after each attack how that a victim has

died and to scare the audience. A second example of how music and

silence are used together to build up tension, is the happy cheerful

music that was played on the beach at the start of the film to show

people having fun and as soon as the shark is nearby the title

sequence music begins to play which the audience know that the shark

is near. Straight after the attack the silence make's people realise

what has just happened. A third and final example of silence is when

Robert Huber "the shark specialist" dives down to investigate the

fishermen's boat and the...

... middle of paper ...

...Brody was dropping the fish in the water as

well as watching the shark swimming past the boat and Brody shouting

to Quaint "We need a bigger boat." All these factors build up the fear

and tension until the shark get killed.

My view

The scariest moment in the film is the last section where Quaint and

Robert where sharing stories while Brody was listening. In this

section the tension and fear is dropped and cheerful music was used to

calm the audience down a little. Suddenly the shark attacks the boat

and makes a whole where water starts coming in, however none of the

men heard the attack and kept on singing. It was scary because the

tension is lowered and then suddenly the shark attacks unsuspected,

but on this occasion it didn't. That scene was scary and surprising

and made audience to jump out of their seat.

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