Summary: Should Everyone Get Luxury?

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Trophies For EveryBody?

Should everybody get trophies? The answer is No! This is because the participation trophies that kids earn today in sports or other activities will end up just collecting dust on a shelf or in a room as you get older. Participation trophies will not teach you how to lose, and will affect adulthood mentality along with the mentality to win. Children should not receive participation trophies in sports.

First of all, Participation trophies don't teach a child how to lose much less accept a loss without becoming upset. Children have to learn that losing hurts and have to put in enough effort to win games. After all, Kobe Bryant said that “Get the fourth place trophy, you go home, you take the fourth place trophy, you put it right up where you can see it. And when you wake up in the morning, you look at the trophy and you remind yourself of what you'll never win again’’ this is from a pro basketball player that has experienced a lot of these types of children's leagues. After a loss children can learn from their mistakes, but due to the …show more content…

It is important that all children should not just play for a participation trophy, but because they like the sport. Because of this, sports is a big reason for making children more soft such as more sensitive in or not in a sport. A big reason for this is also the parents, This is because the parents don’t want their child upset by losing, so when a league tries to cancel the participation trophy system the parents say that they will leave that league because this is because they don’t want their child to be upset. Due to the shortage of population in non - participation trophy companies are forced to not cancel the participation trophy system. Children should not receive a participation

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