Summary Of The Story 'Chixculub' By T. Boyle

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“The term ‘explode’ hardly does this event justice…” (pge 7) Yes this short but unsettling story “Chixculub” by T. Coraghessan Boyle starts out by talking about a comet. Throughout the story, it switches between the comet, and family that gets a disturbing call in the middle of the night. As the story continues, the comet and the downcast family become closely relatable by the end. As the Chixculub comet gets closer to earth, the family’s daughter hits closer to their heart as they find out she got in a terrible accident. Consequently talking about comets, something in this story that sticks out to me was that things hit harder than one may think. From the beginning, it starts out by talking about a meteor. “...never actually touched down. The force from its entry--the compression and super heating of air beneath it--caused it to explode some twenty five thousand feet above the ground, but then the term ‘explode’ hardly does justice to this event.”(pge 7) Although this meteor didn’t even hit the earth, it caused a disruption in the balance of the universe. As you read …show more content…

But upon closer analysis, I discovered that the theme was “things hit harder than one may think.” The main reason that I thought the theme should be “think before you take action,” was because of the following sentence: “This is not our daughter...The sort of thing every teen ager does with out thinking. She has loaned her ID.” (pge 14) This could support the debated theme because she didn’t know her friend was going to get into a wreck. But she probably should have thought twice about loaning her ID to a friend. Loaning your ID to someone is a problem now adays, and should definitely be less of an issue. While reading the story, the reader discovers that this piece shows an example of why this is a bad

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