Summary Of The Poem My Body By Jamie Manrique Analysis

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Swan’s Elegy Analysis Jamie Manrique was born 1949 in Barranquilla, Colombia. Manrique began writing poetry while still in his teens; when he was seventeen, he had moved to Florida and received a BA from the University of South Florida in 1972. Manrique was awarded many rewards including Colombia’s “Eduardo Cote Lamus” National Poetry Award for his debut poetry collection, Los adoradores de la luna. He is the author of many books and poetry including; My Body, Christopher Columbus, and My Night with/ Mi Noche Con Fedrico Garcia Lorca. Manrique writes both poetry in Spanish and prose in English. Also publishing several novels like, Our Lives Are the Rivers, which had also won the International Latino Book Award in historical fiction in 2007. …show more content…

The swan is described as old and white so we can assume that it may be pure due to the color white symbolizing purity and old being wise. The author admits to seeing the swan in twilight so it’s not quite black darkness, and the white of the swan could be seen in the faint light, this could be a metaphor for the light on the darkness or the good in the bad. “I see it crane its neck toward the sky opening its beak ever so briefly” It seems as if the swan is almost longing to fly towards the sky. We can wonder why it doesn’t seem to want to, if there may be something wrong. The tone has now drastically shifted from relaxed to rushed. “To puncture my heart with its desolate song." Puncture and desolate have the same negative connotation. The song may be desolate due to the author being reminded that he has lost someone or something and he channels or portrays himself through the lonesome swan. “ In the gathering darkness I hear the desperate tannin of its ruffled feathers as it sails toward the magnets shroud of its fate.” Here, the gathering darkness literally means that the sun is going down. The swan is desperate in trying to escape the darkness yet waits until the final bit of light no longer lingers around the swan fly off, as if the swan were a reincarnate of the lost loved one and it needed a final chance to say goodbye and then flies off to

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