An Analysis Of The Lais Of Milum

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The lais of Milum is the story of a great knight born in South Wales, and the love he shared with the beautiful daughter of a nobleman. Throughout the story we are told of the struggle and hardships, they endured due to the feelings they harbored for one another. Similarly to many of Marie’s lays Milun is told in a charming and simple nature, but upon closer inspection we can see its complexity. A tale of love is one told time and time again, a tale as old as time itself, yet the tale differs as well as the love. The love of Milum and the maiden is a private one, fueled by fame and honor. It is restrictive but also freeing, it traps you in its course letting you escape from the world.
Milun is the greatest knight of all the land, representing …show more content…

Saden over his separation from his beloved, the knight sends the maiden a letter hidden within the feathers of a swan. The lady which was left behind with the weight of her sins, betrothed to a man she did not love is now freed from her life and trapped their love. Utilizing the swan as messenger they continue to communicate. Much like their malnourished love for each other, that flourishes in brief conversations after a period of abandonment. The swan is starved so that is could carry the message to the other which feeds it briefly. This remains because it is not the man itself that the lady loves but rather the appeal of a secret love, and the fame the knight carries. As fame is the object which fueled their affections, so it be fitting that the object of their affections also be fueled by fame. As the son grows to learn of his heritage, he is not driven to seek out his beloved father and mother, but rather seeks out fame, becoming a knight. Eventually the to two knights, father and son are reunited in a joust neither of them knowing their connection to one another. Reunited not through shared love but out of their lust for

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