Summary Of The Movie 'Footsteps To Footloose'

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The Footsteps to Footloose In 1984 director Herbert Ross released a movie called Footloose starring Kevin Bacon and so many other famous actors and actresses. Then in 2008 director Kenny Ortega was announced he was going to be directing a remake of the classic 1984 Footloose, but he left the project in 2009. But in 2010 Craig Brewer became the director. Footloose is about a teenager from Boston Massachusetts, Ren MacCormack, who moves to small town Bomont, in the south, where rock music and dancing is outlawed due to a drinking and driving accident by a couple of high school kids coming home from a dance. Throughout the film Ren is trying to get used to life in the south and abolish the ban on dancing.
Casting directors, Laray Mayfield and Julie Schubert had some trouble casting the main role Ren MacCormack, but after all of the conflict trying to find someone to play the role Kevin Bacon played in 1984 they finally hired, American dancer, Kenny Wormald. They also cast, former Dancing with the Stars ballroom-dance professional, Julianne Hough as Ren MacCormacks love interest. They also cast big time names such as Denis Quade and Miles Teller. …show more content…

Originally the film’s director Craig Brewer wanted to shoot the 2011 Footloose in Tennessee, but because of the ending in Footloose was filmed in Georgia then the final decision was to film 2011 Footloose in Georgia as well. This film is filled with many cut on action shots as characters are dancing. I also noticed many close up shots to show intense or sad moments, the way the camera dolly’s-in to a character or pans down to something a character may have in their pocket shows how important those people, scenes, and objects are to the

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