Summary Of The Epic Poem Of Misty Iskanlis

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Epic Poem of Misty Iskanlis The waters were rushing into The submarine. Flashes of red lights went off signaling the people in the submarine were in danger. The submarine shook the helmsman tried to stop the water from entering only for another side of the submarine to crack and more water to rush in. A mother grabbed her child and held him close since she was terrified and was beginning to realize death was upon them. Everyone froze in complete an utter fear when they heard a voice say “I’m coming for you all!” The helmsman shouted “I am not afraid of you! Show yourself!” Then suddenly more water rushed in and a great fog was down in the remaining of the clear submarine. Many screams were …show more content…

We deserve justice!” Her mother, Sapphire, screamed at her father, Poseidon. “You will not go above these waters! You shall only obey my orders!” Poseidon yelled pushing Sapphire. Sapphire grew angry and began to try to leave the room when suddenly Poseidon yelled out “You will be punished for you have kept disobeying my orders as king! You will only bare my children and be my slave.” Misty was beginning to grow hatred towards her father, hearing and seeing this argument from the peephole in the castle wall. Sapphire’s eyes glowed a great blue color, then she screamed out “NO!” a great wave pushed Poseidon over and Sapphire swam as fast as she could but she wasn’t quick or strong enough for Poseidon was quick to get himself up and reach towards his trident and strike Sapphire in the back killing her instantly. Misty let out a blood curdling scream and swam quickly to her mother’s dead body. “I shall call Susan the, the guardian of death, to clean this up” Poseidon spoke and swam away. Ever since Misty had witnessed her mother’s death, she began to defy her father and live up to her mother’s legacy. Now Misty is sixteen and she has gained the hearts of many, including the god Hercules. He sends her letters and messages through Hermes. Misty has rejected him

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