Summary Of Tannen's Argument That Women As Marked And Men Are Seen As Unmarked

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Tannen’s main argument is that women are viewed as “marked” and men are seen as “unmarked”. This is because women must look, act, dress a certain way and if they do not they are “not caring”. It is a label that society gives us women. As she said in the essay, she was solely looking at the way the women had looked and were dressed but did not notice the men and the way that they were dressed. She realized that we women must try compared to the men. In the essay, it was said that she noticed had each of the three women were dressed differently. The first was wearing a suit, the second dressed casual, and the third was dressed “sexy”. The way the women were dressed is what caught the attention first hand. Us as women are “marked” by our appearance. …show more content…

Men do not have an image to maintain as us women do. Men have it so much easier than us women. They can act, dress however they want and they are not looked down upon they are just as men as men being men. They do not have to try as hard to get something they want. Anything a man does not influence how others see them but for women if you want to dress comfortable and not wear make up, they are seen as lazy and unwilling to try. Why is this? It is because women are seen in a sexist way. Women are not looked at based on their intelligence and/or qualifications, they are sex objects. If you do not “sexy” you are considered boring and uncaring, but when you do look “sexy” you are seen as easy and unprofessional. We as women will never have the freedom of getting rid of this “mark” we are automatically given when we are born. This sexist stereotype is still around in today’s society just as it was many years ago when this was first written. Women will also be judged based on their looks no matter where we go or what we do. As it was then image will always be the first thing we get stereotyped as in whether we care or do not

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