Summary Of Note To Selfie By John Dickerson

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The passage “Note to Selfie,” by John Dickerson is about gaining the ability to relive memories through digitally recording via smartphone. Smartphones have changed the game completely, with a simple touch of a button one can capture a life’s worth of moments. Dickerson himself is an intellectual writer, who often writes in a pocket book , but since getting an iPhone, he prefers it more than a journal. To Dickerson a huge disappointment was losing or forgetting his journal, however with his iPhone always attached to him, he no longer worries about it. Since smartphones are so accessible, it makes documenting easier. He believes we benefit from recording via smartphone because one is capable of experiencing memories all over again. Indeed, …show more content…

For instance, he mentions “We talked until the pine needles we sat on were fully embedded, and then we took a selfie before climbing down for dinner. Now wherever I am, I can access those feelings by looking at a picture of that perch,” (Dickerson 257). This quote showcases the meaning of what a simple selfie can do. What started as an incredible memory ended in a remembering picture that would last a lifetime. It’s one captured moment that could always be accessed to see and reminisce. Nevertheless, he supports the idea of capturing moments like these, but argues on how people abuse the use of smartphones to do so. In the quote, he took the selfie after talking to his son, therefore, he still was living in the …show more content…

Each recording differs in emotion and has its own backstory. Some people fail to realize that taking a selfie or recording a video can be very significant to an individual. For example, my prom was a huge high school experience I wanted to remember for the rest of my life. Of course, I have so many memories of this day just in my head, but there’s no better way to self-reflect than having pictures. For starters smartphones made it so much easier to save money because we didn’t need to hire some fancy photographer. All our prom photos and videos were just captured moments to look back and experience it all over again. Personally, I feel the best part of prom photos will be looking back at them in about twenty years and giggle about how ridiculous my dress was. Prom was one for the books and now that I have every recording of it on my phone, I could always come back to it when I’m feeling sad. It’s a good way to boost myself up when I need it the most. Likewise, emotions are triggered depending on the digital recording. Reminiscing on recordings helps one feel the emotion they once experienced. Thus, when I feel sad I lean towards my prom videos because it somehow makes me feel better. Being able to go back and relive my prom day shows how documenting our lives is beneficial to an

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