The Pros and Cons of Cell Phones

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The effects of technology on society will always be a double edged sword. The debate is a never ending one, in which both sides have valid and compelling arguments. The Industrial Revolution reduced manual labor in the long run, but had negative consequences such as child labor and sweatshop conditions. Nuclear Power reduces the cost of producing energy, but raises serious environmental issues like pollution and radiation. In this day in age refusing to assimilate to at least some form of modern living is simply not an option. One invention causing controversy today that has yet to cease being alter, modified, and “improved” since its debut is the ever present cell phone. Even as I sit here typing this paper, my own shiny, rectangular piece of molded plastic and metal lies inches away from my fingertips, beckoning me to use it. Looking out the window, one of the first sights I see are people walking with one hand up to their ear, evidence this technology is in use. I can count on one hand the number of adults I know who do not own one these mobile devices. People are now able to be virtually accessible almost anywhere at any time. So where does the dispute come in? Consider the fact that these wondrous inventions which allow us to stay connected to our family, friends, and co-workers also have mounting allegations against them as being the cause of less interaction with people in our day to day lives. There are countless lists on the pros and cons of owning a cell phone. It becomes easier to understand why such a blurry line divides the two sides when you realize that you are dealing with a device that has been called “life saving” in an emergency, while at the same time being the very component responsib... ... middle of paper ... ... are virtually mini telephones, digital cameras, laptops, and ipods in one. That amount of technology in such a compact space is truly astounding. It’s unfortunate to think cell phones are just becoming, if they have not already, another “status symbol” indicating where you rank on the ladder of what our culture deems “in”. It is impossible to deny that cell phones have become increasingly important in the business world of today. They are a great way to keep in touch and be reminded of daily events. Still, it is necessary to remember that they have their time and place. Your life is not the only one at stake when you get behind the wheel and common courtesy should still remain a highly regarded value. Maybe it is because cell phones have interfered with the need to exercise our memory, but we seem to have forgotten it was once possible to survive without them.

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