Summary Of Charles Fishman's Book 'The Big Thirst'

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Charles Fishman came down to College of Charleston to explain the crisis of water. Coming out, Charles Fishman explained how he made his book The Big Thirst. It was his wife and him at a hotel, and this is when he discovered the water Fiji. He wonders why the company made a brand like that because Fiji right doesn’t have much in sanitary water. Every human who has access if water, uses 88 gallons of water a day. 40% of the world don’t have sanitary water to drink. One fact that he told the audience was, every one Google search, two tablespoons are used. The number one usage of water is car washes and number two is leaking water. In 2002, UNC Chapel Hill were close to not having water, but a few days later it rained. UNC Chapel Hill had a problem

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