Summary Of The Film 'Last Call At The Oasis'

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“Last Call at the Oasis” is a documentary about our world’s water crisis. The film discusses how many large cities in America are getting closer to use up their available water, how many areas across the globe do not have access to drinking water and are forced to drink contaminated water, how water shortages are causing acts of violence and are causing stress to agricultural communities, and a possible solution of using recycle water to stop us from wasting so much water. The film goes around the globe to talk to scientists who are studying contaminated water, people who have become very sick due to this water, and to the agricultural community in Australia where, unfortunately, some farmers have take their own lives due to water shortages. This film was presented beautifully and was able to appropriately discuss all forms of water issues our world is having from shortages to contaminations to possible solutions. The filmed opened up with the city of Las Vegas, Nevada and how they have used up so much water that at the time the …show more content…

Our water crisis is not just isolated in one area on the planet, but is a problem everywhere. Unfortunately, not everyone believes that we actually have an issue. When the documentary began talking about introducing recycled wastewater they interviewed a few groups of people and asked them to drink the water. Even though it seemed like a good majority did drink the water there were a few who still refused and called the water disgusting. One statement from one of the people asked to drink the water really bothered me. The woman said that when the satellites take images of Earth she said that there’s a lot of water being shown. That statement just proves that more documentaries like this one need to be made to educate the public. So that once the public is educated and realizes how big of a problem we have with our water they can take it to the government and force them to make

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