Summary: Closing The Gap Between Indigenous And Non-Indigenous Intelligence

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Intelligence, understood as the ‘capacity for goal-directed adaptive behaviour’ (Burton et al, 2012), or more easily defined as ‘the set of attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviours shared by a group of people, communicated from one generation to the next’ (Sternberg, 2004). This behaviour employs a series of cognitive processes, including perception, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem solving, and consequently having no true measure. However, it plays a significant role in our quality of life. In the areas of income, education and health, significant differences exist between Indigenous Australians and the non- Indigenous population, which is directly linked to lower cognitive abilities (cite). Understanding this difference, facilitates in closing the gap between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. …show more content…

IQ is measured through intelligence tests administered by clinical psychologists – not specific in areas where a child may experience difficulties. Another form of testing includes standarazied tests, which consist of a series of tasks with results in the form of a score. Common intelligence tests are the generally performed assessments such as Wechsler IQ test and Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test. (Ortiz, & Lella, 2016). These tests are culturally bias, raising an issue regarding the long-term impacts that test results may have on different cultural

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