Summary: A Personal Narrative-Winning My Basketball Championship

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Winning my Basketball Championship When I was six years old, I started going to my sister’s cheerleading games, But the only games I went to were the basketball games. I was so drawn to basketball and all of the players on the team. Most people look at basketball and think it’s a boring sport because all you do is pass a ball back to each other like a ping pong ball game but basketball is not like that all in my mind. You truly won’t be able to understand basketball or any other sport unless you play it because in sports they have secret plays and certain things that only the players would know. When I started to understand the sport, that’s when I decided that when I was 10 years old that I would play basketball for a school. Eventually, …show more content…

There were 7 games before the big championship game, multiple teams would go against each other and then the final two teams would face off against each other. My team went undefeated all season and then we won our first game in the championship after we won our game, we had to wait for the other teams to finish. Since the building we were playing at two courts, my team went to the other court and messed around until we were next. The courts were divided by a wall so we wouldn’t disturb the game going on. While we were messing around, I ended up breaking my index finger doing something very stupid. Me and my team were trying to make half court baskets and when I went behind the basketball hoop, one of my teammates threw the ball from the half court line and it ended up hitting my finger because I wasn’t paying any bit of attention. I instantly went to my coach and told him what happened, then he took me to the medical team and they taped my index finger to my middle one so I couldn’t move it. I had to sit down with my mom until our next game started so I wouldn’t get more hurt. Eventually, our next game started and my coach asked if I was able to play still and of course my finger hurt but I didn’t want to miss out on playing in our championship game. Our game started and I was put out on the court first, we made all the points in the first quarter and we didn’t

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